Knit1Geek2 Swap Package!

I participated in my very first Ravelry swap this fall as part of the Knit1Geek2 podcast group.  I’ll link to my swap package later, when my recipient gets their box, but for now I’ll just squee about the box I got in the mail today!

The guidelines were:

  • Something handmade
  • Something local
  • Something geeky

Man, did my swapper do a great job!

Here are the wrapped packages:


Here’s a closeup of the pin she included, which is knitted and embroidered and just knocks my socks off.  It’s even more beautiful in real life:

Then there are the contents of the packages.  Yarn first:
Wrapped Yarn
The colorway is “Call me WonderWoman”!  It’s Corriedale/nylon sock yarn, and I LOVE it.

Geeky items-wise, this swapper outdid herself.  First up, an Avengers Age of Ultron lunchbox, which held all the other items, individually wrapped.

Then a bunch of little geeky owl bookmarks, delicious chocolate, and T-pins and a Captain America tin of candy to use to hold stitch markers!

I just love the Cap owl:

But best last: the handmade item.  I got a BEAUTIFUL alpaca lace shawl.  Oh my god, the picture does not do this justice.  I am SO DELIGHTED, I had to wear it today.  It is SO LOVELY.  It glitters in the light, and the pattern is just beautiful.

In summary: Thank you, swap partner!  You rock!

Author: Alisa

I sew and bead to fundraise for charity. I have two spinning wheels and three sewing machines, and more knitting needles than I probably really need.

8 thoughts on “Knit1Geek2 Swap Package!”

  1. You’re welcome! I’m happy you like everything. I was a bit worried you wouldn’t like the owls and that the yarn was too variegated, but the color was just so gorgeous and the colorway name was too perfect for this swap. I enjoyed making the shawl and I’m glad you wore it already. Hope it reminds you of Eowyn and helps you stay warm this winter. The leaf pin was actually easier to make than I thought it would be, I totally plan to make more of them in the future.

    1. The owls are just adorable. I may pass one or two on to other friends, since I can’t personally use that many bookmarks at once. I have PLANS for weaving with the yarn. :) Thank you again!

  2. I love all of this, but mostly I love the kindness and thoughtfulness that went into it all. People can be so lovely sometimes. Knitters rock!

  3. Speaking of lovely, M just handed over the mail from my four weeks’ away.

    I believe there is a package there, and it seems to have been sent from your area.

    I am going to go have an YnWrapping Adventure. 👀🖖🏽🌞

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